WELCOME...we're glad you found us.

Here are some tips to help you dive right in:
  • LISTS is where you will find people and places.
    • If you select a person you will automatically see the CLOSE RELATIVES tab. Clicking on the PERSONAL FACTS will show you birth, marriage, death details (BDM). The TREE tab generates a family tree that you can zoom in, drag and move on screen.
  • CHARTS let you see information in various ways online
  • REPORTS can print out charts to a pdf that downloads to your computer
If you have information /photos /certificates etc to contribute, a correction to be made, a GEDCOM to add, please contact Twiggy using the link at the bottom of the site. FAQS are here.

Be inspired as you explore your heritage.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

We are working on adding maps at present so you will notice 'nothing' on them.
We have just set up a secure area for uploading photos, certificates, ephemera etc to support our source citations.

Mary Holdaway (1928-2004) researched and published her family history in this book:

To order a copy please email Alan holdaway@xtra.co.nz

Mary's database was kindly given to this internet-based family history project and formed much of the initial tree. (There may be anomalies in it still and we hope to iron these out over time. If you find something please email and let us know.)